The monthly Square Report July 2019: Technical details and a bunch of code

Better late than never, the new Square report is here with the lastest news about Square vs Triangles development, so let's jump right into it.

The Monthly Square Report - July 2019

Time to fix that.

Up to this point I've been leaving small details along the road to be fix latter when a have more time. The problem is that this mindset have allow small issues to pile up into a massive monster that is starting to affect the overall quality of the game, so is finally time for my to adress all of them and try to fix them once and for all.

  • Fixing the camera: I'll be honest, when the time came to create a camera for my game, I just set a cinamachine component to follow the player and then completely forgot about it. This might have work until now, but as level become more and more complex, this camera behavior is just unaceptable. The next update will have smoother camera movement and camera fx's such as zoom in/out and camera shake, adding a little more life. Cinemachine is a relatively new tool so the documentacion is not very detailed, this mean fixing it will take some time.
  • Remake some levels: the first couple of levels in the game, including the tutorial, are remnants of the prototyping phase back when I started development back in december, so they are very basic and don't take advantage of all the new and refine mechanics I have added since, in other words to dash move completely render this levels boring and uninteresting. I'll be going back to the drawing board with those to create a more engaging dificulty curve with better platforming challeges and less insta-death sections.
  • More sound Fx's: outside of background music and the player fx's, everything alse is pretty much silenced. Audio has always been my most hated part in gamedev as it required hours of just listen to clips trying to find the best sounds for your game. I guess I can't keep escaping this anymore.
  • Polish the visual: this is very much a general improvement of the visual portion of the game. Replace some placeholder animations, adding particles fx's, improve sprites, replace some backgrounds etc, etc, etc.

About the next update

As you can see the next update won't featured a lot of new content, instead I will focus in fixing already existing things. I hope I can finish faster this time, as an update every two month is not ideal.

The plan this time is having update 1.3 released before the next Square Report, in other words before August 15th. It looks difficult as development become harder and more complex and college start taking more and more of my time. I have considered opening a Patreon page to see if I can free some of my time and dedicate it towards gamedev, but I'm not 100% sure if the Patreon model is compatible with my production style.

Anyway as I decide how to move forward with the project, the immediate goal is releasing the next build within 4 weeks, so I better get to work.

Thank you for taking the time to read this report, if you have time please leave a comment and rate the game as this greatly help the game visibility.


Public Release (Windows) ver 0.1.2 73 MB
Jul 04, 2019

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