The Monthly Square Report-June 2019: Lasers, Boms and Release Dates.

So it’s 15th of the month and that means a new Square Report is here, so without further ado.

The Monthly Square Report - June 2019

Now bugs free.

The two major bugs in the game have been fixed, defeated enemies no longer hurt the player and no more desynchronisation when pausing the game.

Of course not all bugs have been fixed, small details still required attention. But because I haven’t been able to reproduce them continually I still haven’t found the source of those problems. So is not 100% bugs free is more like 99.99% bugs free.

More levels for you

I completed the new Hub area and three out of four corresponding levels. Completing and polishing the tile set details took me longer than expected, I’m no artist so creating a consistent aesthetic is a herculean task from me. Nevertheless I think the result looks very good despite the imperfections.

I’ve been experimenting with no-linerar level design for the remaining level of the new batch. It takes way more time than working in a lineal sequence but I belive it’s worth the time. Is my first time working in this kind of design so I’m not 100% sure of the quality, but a little more ambition could help the project.

This is still work in progress.

Not so good news

Now for the negative part of this report, considering that I’ve been very busy lately as everyday life keep getting in the way of developing the game, I’ve decided to scale back the next update. That means some of the features I promised in the last report won’t be available in update 1.2. Those feratures are:

  • New games modes.
  • Less new songs.

The code for the new games modes is already implemented but it causes unforeseen strange behavior, and as a need more time for debugging, I decided to move this for a later update, 1.3 hopefully. In fact update 1.3 will probably be more technical, adding more feature and fixed than new content.

About the music, the guy who was helping me in that regard abandoned the project, in other words, I’m back at doing everything myself. As I said I’m no artist, even less musician but I will try to keep a level of quality in every front.

And that lead us to.

Finally a release date (Yippee !!!!!)

Despite set backs and other problems, the last week work have flowed smoothly. The last level should be completed today, and the only work left is implementing the boos fight , which is half made to be honest, so everything should be finish by next week.

Considering that I want to go through a deep QA process, the next weekend will be reserved for beta testing and other stuff, that put the possible release date in the week from June 24 to June 30. If the testing process goes without a problem, and I pray to god it does, the Square vs Triangle ver 1.2 update should be available Tuesday June 25.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this and have a nice day.

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