The Monthly Square Report: Progress and what's coming to Update 1.2

Hi Everyone, with the objective of keeping everything organize, myself motivate and the people who follow the game informed, I came up with the idea of creating a monthly report with all the information about #SquareVsTriangles. So here it is.

The Square Report - May 2019

New triangles are coming.

The Bomb Triangle

Up to this point all enemy types were pasive, they mind their own business without attention to the player position. The Bomb triangle come to solve that problem by actively pursuing and attacking the player, creating a more dynamic gameplay flow. Plus the capacity of been aware of its surrounding give me the possibility to create short and simple “stealth” seccions in the game.

The Mummy Triangle

Following the idea of creating enemies capable of interacting with the player I’ve created the Mummy Triangle. It’s designed to be a less agresive version of the bomb triangle with the added benefit of been invulnerable to the player dash, making it a blend between enemy and enviromental hazard.

The Laser Triangle

Maybe the hardest one to explain, this one is versatile and can perform a lot of different part in gameplay. The fact that it can be moved, rotated and turned on and off, give me the possibility to build complete levels around this guy alone.

A new Tile Pallete for new levels.

There is not a lot to explain in here, I can’t keep using the forest pallete for the whole game. This is my first 2D project using unity, so there is a lot of tools I don’t know how to use, still I’ve been doing some experimentation using the rule and animated tiles, the result is not perfect but looks pretty good.

About the next Update

The progress have been slow the last few weeks, a lot of other things keep getting in the way, so everything is going slower than expected. Nevertheless this week I should finish making the new assets and jump back into design.

The next update will have:

  • 3 New enemy types.
  • 4 New levels.
  • A new Boss Fight.
  • New songs (because the same song for every level get boring really fast).
  • New modes for existing levels (time trials, etc)

On top of that I also need to solve some problems found in the current version of the game like:

  • There’s still collision between the player and the enemy even after the enemy have been defeated. (This is a very simple issue and should not take more than a hour to fix).
  • Pausing the game during the Tank boos fight cause desynchronization in some game elements like landmines, missile, etc. (This is very complicated because is caused by the fact that a lot of systems used in the boss fight use unscale time, so my two options are rewrite the code so it use scale time or rethink the way the game is paused, both option with a high probability of causing more bugs).
  • Audio balancing.
  • Difficulty rebalancing.

So as you can see there is a lot of work to do, beside after the next update is ready I’d like to take a couple of days to do a in-depth quality test. Taking all this into consideration I made a tentative schedule for a release in 3 + 1 weeks if nothing goes wrong (but I’m almost sure something will go wrong).

If you have any question please leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this and have a good day.

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